Lester Coffey, President, has drawn upon his extensive knowledge, expertise and combination of management and leadership acumen to build Coffey Consulting into a nimble, diverse and responsive company that empowers its clients to achieve sustained success. Lester managed and participated on key initiatives in operational and financial areas for two Fortune 20 firms in the energy and telecommunications sectors. During that tenure, he customized and mastered business approaches that continue to produce client-driven success while building impressive and diverse skill-sets that are value-driven and goal oriented. Lester’s high level of integrity and success is built on his commitment to a focus that is constantly updated and on resources positioned to take advantage of emerging market opportunities to better serve clients. The firm’s foundation is its staff, which is built and deployed as small and large teams to harness creativity and innovation to achieve results. Each associate understands that pulling together translates into winning together. We undertake engagements that are led, managed and executed to create wins for clients, and their key stakeholders, and for the firm. Lester earned his Master in Business Administration from The Pennsylvania State University and Bachelor of Science from the Mississippi State University.
Corporate Officers

Lester Coffey

Amy Coffey
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Amy Coffey is Chief Administrative Officer and Senior Vice President of Coffey Consulting, responsible for finance, contract administration, and human resource functions in addition to serving as the Quality Assurance Officer. In collaboration with the firm’s President, Amy oversees all contractual activities of projects, including coordination and consolidation of monthly, periodic and final reports. As financial administrative officer, she manages resources to support operations for on-going and proposed projects. With more than two decades at the helm, she is highly qualified with deep experience and expertise at all levels of the firm’s operations, she is exceptionally suited to achieve a high level of operational and project performance. Amy is honest, straightforward, client-focused, and team-oriented and is the heart beneath Coffey’s unparalleled reputation across public, government and private sectors. She earned her bachelor of arts from The Pennsylvania State University, and prior to joining Coffey Consulting in 1996, was a special education teacher. Her first assignment was in a rural Florida school teaching in a portable classroom with no air conditioning, and heat was provided by an in-room stove. Her compassion is evident in the inspiration she shares with her engaged, committed and dedicated staff known for producing exceptional, high-quality work.